Never heard of Angleball? You’re probably not alone. This sport was created during World War 2 to keep service men and women as well as students and athletes fit. Angleball is still used today to keep the NFL conditioned and is used for recreational use across the Africa and the US.
Handballs are actually used in Angleball to knock down larger balls that are perched on a 10 ft post. The Handball regulated size according to the Rules of Sport is:
The ball must be made from leather or synthetic material and it must be of a size to fit in the hand of a player. This means that there are three regulation sizes of handball. One for over 8s where the ball has a circumference of 50-52 cm, a II for women and males aged 12 to 16 where the ball has a circumference of 54-56cm and a III for males aged 16 and over, with a circumference of 58-60cm.
American Angleball –!about1/cx9t
Wikipedia –
Rules of Sport –
Photo –!product/prd1/605868971/extra-targetball