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Yearly Archives: 2014

Elephant Polo

man dangaling off elephant to reach ball basic elephant polo equipment polo stick and polo ball

Elephant polo is similar to traditional polo except for one major difference, they are on a giant elephant! The equipment that is used is similar to polo such as the ball and a longer mallet. According to the World Elephant Polo Association Rule 1 of the organization section of the rule book: 1. The Game will be played by four players on each team. The game is played on a marked pitch of “100-120 metres x 60-80 metres”, using a standard size polo ball.

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Seeing Red, Kickballs

WAKA regulated kickball ball in foreground with a kickball game going on in the background basic equipment for kickball regulated WAKA kickball ball

Kickball is a game played by both youth and adults. Similar to baseball this game has four plates, one ball but no bat which makes the game more easily accessible for youth to have an introduction to other sports without specialized equipment or a certain skill set.

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Oldest Game in the World Dates Back to the Aztecs

kids playing Ulama basic equipment for ulama rubber ball

Ulama is a game that descended from the Aztec version of the Mesoamerican ballgame, the game is one of the oldest continuously played sports in the world, and is also notable for the fact that it is the oldest known game utilizing a rubber ball. (Wikipedia – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulama_(game))

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Fictional Sport Becomes World Wide Sensation

3 people in the middle of a quidditch game basic equipment for quidditch quaffle ball bludger ball snitch ball hoops on the top of poles

Quidditch was a fictional sport where wizards would fly on broom sticks in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. This fictional game is fictional no more. Potter fans all over the world have turned this game into a phenomenon with rules and regulations and even a world cup! 

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Jai alai Ball, Most Lethal Ball?

Man in red shirt catching the pelota ball with the cesta basket catcher jai-alai basic equipment pelota ball cesta basket ball catcher

Jai alai is believed to be of European decent specifically Basque. Jai alai is popular in Latin American countries and the Philippines because of its hispanic influence. The game is similar to handball and racquetball with the court having  3 walls. According to the tools of the trade: 

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