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Sports Balls is a group of sports enthusiasts interested in the official specifications of balls used as sports equipment. As hobbyists, we are continually amazed at the level of detail used to accomplish fair play.

SPAGHETTIHOLE with Meatballs

Spaghettihole is a variation of cornhole. Like the traditional game of cornhole, this game can be played as singles or doubles. If playing singles, opponents stand by the side of one of the cornhole boards, facing the opposite cornhole board. Taking turns, each competitor tosses a bag until each has thrown all four. The game is played the same with doubles, except each team has one player at opposing boards.  Each player on one board takes turns tossing their bags at the opposing board until all bags have been tossed.  The same is done on the other side.

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Rugby is Going Underwater

mens water polo 6 men playing water polo with snorkeling gear regulated equipment for water polo

Underwater rugby rules and equipment are very different than regular rules for rugby. Safety is much more of a factor as well as how the ball would be able to stay underwater. The CMAS Under Water Rugby Rules were set in place to allow the ball to be played under the water.

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Taking Hockey To The Streets

Street hockey is a form of hockey that is traditionally played on the streets, or some form of asphalted surface (i.e. parking lot or tennis courts). There are organized leagues that play the sport, but you will most likely find this game played by children playing a game of pickup in your streets.

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Shinty game with 3 men on blue team and 3 men on red team regulated equipment for shinty

A combination to field hockey, hurling, and bandy ball, this game is played mostly in Scotland. Shinty is known as a Scottish Gaelic team game that is played with sticks and a ball. The basic ball equipment for Shinty would be considered similar to an American baseball.

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Taking It Off The Ice

Roller in-line hockey uses the same type of puck equipment that is used in traditional ice hockey. According the the USA roller sports Official rule book for inline hockey:

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Irish Road Bowling

This sport has traveled over the pond and into the states. Irish Road Bowling is a competitive sport where all you need is a cannon ball and back country roads.

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person in white pants standing behind a croquet game with orange/yellow ball black ball blue ball and red ball standard equipment for croquet

Croquet is a sport that involves hitting plastic or wooden balls with a mallet through hoops embedded in a grass playing court.

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Valencian Pilota

traditional valencian pilota game with 3 men in blue while a man in red is about to sweep down to hit the ball standard equipment for valencian pilota game

Valencian pilota is a traditional handball sport played in the Valencian Community. Its origins are not known, but seem to be related to the French Jeu de paume. The ball is struck with a bare, or almost bare, hands. The general rule involves two teams made from two up to five players each.

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girl in green uniform running up floorball court with a player in black following standard equipment for floorball

Floorball is a type of indoor floor hockey that is played with teams that are co ed and of multiple ages. The official ball is 72mm in diameter and weighs 23g. It is made out of white plastic and is similar to an American wiffle ball.   References: USA Floorball – http://www.usafloorball.org/about-floorball/what-is-floorball/ Photo – http://www.blau-weiss-aasee.de/?c=pages&i=278 http://floorballca.com/proddetail.php?prod=51000

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sepak takraw game one opponent is head budding the ball while the other is kicking the ball over a net that is similar to a volleyball net standard equipment for sepak takraw

According to the Sepsktakraw official website, Sepskatkraw is played on a rectangular court which is of similar size to a badminton court and with a net suspended in the middle, the fundamental rules are simple, with the objective being to deliver the ball over the net into your opponents’ court, and try to make it un-returnable. Players may use any part of their legs, head and torso to handle the ball, but not their arms or hands. The standard ball equipment for sepsktakraw has many regulations as to appearance and performance: 

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